Line Type | This helps identifying if the validated phone number is mobile or a landline. This information can be useful in avaoiding sending text messages to landline numbers. |
Carrier | This provides the information regarding the company/network the validated phone number is associated with. |
Location | This provides information regarding which area in a country this phone number belongs to |
Country Name | Name of the country where the phone number is associated with. |
Country Timezone | The details regarding the exact timezone whrre the phone number belongs to. It is helpful as there may be multiple timezones for a country. |
Country Code | Universally identifiable country codes based on the coutry names. |
International Format | Phone numbers should be formatted properly for the CRMs to import the data into them. |
Local Format | Provides the phone number with the area code identified from the phone number, which can be identified for local dialling. |
E164 Format | This provides the international standard, that defines a numbering plan for the worldwide public switched telephone network. |
Can Be Internationally Dialled | Provides details if the number can be dialled or not. |
Verified At (UTC) | This provides the verified time for every phone number to ensure the freshness of your list. |
Time Taken (ms) | This provides the response time taken for every phone number validation. |
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